Political work stoppage autumn 2018 – trade unions that have notified the National Conciliator
A political strike does not come within the scope of labour dispute conciliation.
The following trade unions have notified the National Conciliator's Office of their participation in the political work stoppage:
Trade union: Time:
Ban on overtime, ban on shift swap:
Ammattiliitto Pro ry, paperiteollisuus |
25.10.2018 at 00.00 – 19.11.2018 at 00.00 – DISCONTINUES |
Teollisuusliitto ry |
17.9.2018 at 00.00 for the time being – DISCONTINUES |
Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö OAJ ry
8.10.2018 at 00.00 for the time being – DISCONTINUES |
Sosiaalialan korkeakoulutettujen ammattijärjestö Talentia ry |
8.10.2018 at 00.00 for the time being – DISCONTINUES
Insinööriliitto |
5.10.2018 at 00.00 for the time being – DISCONTINUES |
Tehy ry |
22.10.2018 at 06.00 – 4.11.2018 at 23.59 – DISCONTINUES |
Super ry |
22.10.2018 at 06.00 – 4.11.2018 at 23.59 – DISCONTINUES |
Toimihenkilöliitto Erto ry |
22.10.2018 at 06.00 – 4.11.2018 at 23.59 – DISCONTINUES |
The list does not necessarily cover all unions participating in the stoppage. Unlike with stoppages caused by labour disputes, no statutory advance notification applies to industrial action taken for political reasons. As regards political protests, several unions comply with the obligation to provide four days' advance notification based on the agreements concluded between labour market organisations. In practice, the National Conciliator is also notified of political stoppages, although they do not fall within the competence of the Conciliator.
The aim of a political stoppage is to influence political decision-makers. The reason for the stoppage is thus external to the labour market. For the above-mentioned reasons, political stoppages do not come under the scope of labour dispute conciliation and the National Conciliator does not take action regarding them. Therefore, the statutory obligation to provide 14 days' advance notification laid down in the Act on Mediation in Labour Disputes does not apply to them, either.