MaRa gives notice of lockout in ski resorts and programme service companies

Publication date 22.11.2017 14.33 | Published in English on 23.11.2017 at 10.12
Type:News item

The employer association MaRa has given notice of lockouts in ski resorts and programme service companies effective on 8–19 December 2017. The labour dispute is caused by conflicting views regarding the pay settlement.

The Finnish Hospitality Association MaRa has notified the National Conciliator that it will enforce a lockout concerning the members of the Service Union United PAM employed by MaRa member companies in the fields of ski resorts and programme services from 8 to 19 December 2017. More detailed information about the dates and times of the lockout is available in the appendices.

Lockout is an industrial action taken by the employers’ side.  During a lockout, trade union members are prevented from working and the payment of their wages is suspended. The collective agreements concerning the ski resort and programme service fields expired on 31 October 2017.

According to the notice of lockout filed by MaRa, the reason for the lockout is that the parties’ views regarding the pay settlement are conflicting to the extent that that it is not possible to reach a settlement between the parties. According to MaRa’s notice, PAM has in the course of the negotiations repeatedly announced that they will not consent to the pay settlement offered by MaRa that is in line with the settlement reached in the technology industries.

National Conciliator Minna Helle will be in contact with both parties to the dispute and then decide on the initiation of conciliation.

Further information on the lockout is available in the appendices (only in Finnish):